Thursday, February 25, 2010

So I get to thinking at work about the necessity of having a purpose. Now, I do not have the best job on the planet. I have little positive to say about it. I have quite a bit negative, but that's a post for another time.

Still, every time I think about it, I come to the same conclusion. Its better to have something to do than nothing at all. I can drive myself to the edge of muttering to myself and mad plans by having nothing to occupy myself properly. Now, I am not saying leisure isn't good. It's lovely. I wish I had more. I tend towards sloth - I just want to be a sloth with a goal or two. Interesting ideas are more than just something to keep the mind active. They're the grist that keep us all from going mad.

Which, of course, means the way to get through any given day involves finding something to keep my mind active that I don't walk away from when something pretty shines over another corner or find so vexing in some way that I abandon it when given oppportunity. I have many such interests. Of course, something that interests one that can be done as a way of earning a living - now that's a trick.

And if you think this topic is dry because I couldn't think of anything and just typed out the first thing that came to mind when I sat down, because it is better than nothing, then you win a cookie.

It was either this or the odd obsession I had today with sharpening pencils. Which was fun. The machine went whirl and then the pencils came out and they had these perfect tips and I could write in really really small text and it was fun and now I wanna go sharpen more stuff! ... ahem.

Hey. At least it kept the mind occupied, eh?

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