Friday, February 26, 2010

Once Again - Or, Six Random Musings

Almost forgot. That won't do.

Promised myself I'd put something in this blog every night for a week, then think about relaxing the schedual (all worship the schedual) and what happens? I forget until the wee hours of the night which is... well, late. I don't necessarily get that bad, typing-wise, when late at night - or so I tell myself - but it certainly isn't helping.

Also, the topic I was going to write on is way too long, and I will never get it out in a decent time. So. Six random musings. That's what I am going to do. First six things that pop into my mind end up here. How bad can that be, right?

Hoo boy.

M'kay. First of all, SKITTLES and PONIES.

Yeah, okay. The next five musings, let's try a little more, um. Anything. Because that's random alright, but as a thought, its right up there with corporate creativity and the idea that telling young people that candy is bad for them is likely to accomplish any positive effect.

Which is true. Tell a young kid something is bad, and that kid will nod at you and in all likelihood go off and do the same exact thing five minutes later. Children don't work well with the pure abstract or shades of morality, especially when sugar is involved. This is why parents quickly learn to upgrade. "Candy rots your teeth," especially if some sort of visual or details of the rotting are involved, now that works. The child has a concrete reason to be wary of candy despite the sweet siren song of sugar. Concrete examples and solid detail - every parent's friend.

Also, since I seemed to cover skittles there, and keeping on the concept of children? Let's look at ponies. Every little girl who has ever wished for a pony probably is unaware that they eat a lot, and then all that edible matter comes out in a very certain way. Also, a pony will never be able to room with a child, no matter how 'cool' that would be. Be sure to point this out to young children when they argue for the traditional uberpet so that you can bargain them down to something more reasonable like a dog or a cat or a goldfish. Or a pet rock. They still have pet rocks, right?

Well. Even if they don't, how hard can it be? Really. Try it. You go find a rock with no sharp edges and not that big a size, wash off the dirt, and take it home. Ta-da. You have a new pet. Call it Steve or Fluffy or whatever. Basalt is a cool name for a pet, I assure you. It won't take up much room, will never destroy anything of yours by its own accord, doesn't eat, needs no medical bills, and will never want to be educated. If you are good at sculpture, then you can improve your pet, even.

Which brings me to hobbies. Get one that involves making something. Even if it is making someone laugh. Trust me. It's a lovely thing.

How many is that? Four? Ack, five, but that's only if I count the first one. Why did I have to pick six?

Well, I will take the first one because I am trying to do a speed post and better something terrible than to not follow through. Right? Right.

Its always easy to get a concensus when all you need to agree with is yourself. I have no problem just saying 'yes' and 'ah-ha' and so on. It makes my life that much easier. Of course, if you are a deeply argumentative person, have particularly annoying devils and angels on your metaphysical shoulders, multiple personalities or a number of additional voices in your head, it can get a little more difficult. One of them wants candy, one of them wants to sleep, one doesn't want either because of the nightmares of rotting teeth, one spews out nonsense that all the others scramble to try and make reasonable before it ambles out the mouth or gets typed into a blog (note from oddball voice #28 - BUTTERFLIES!), one of them tries to be the reasonable and rational human being, one is an internal censor keeping anything too weird from wandering out (like that paragraph about the tables with teeth [maybe next time I end up doing this late]), one tries to be relentlessly optimistic to try and balance all the others, and the last one is just trying to keep count.

Not that I'd know.

Skittles and ponies, ya'll. Me and my voices are taking up the new hobby of sleep!

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