Monday, February 22, 2010

On Scheduals - Or, Why I Am Worried

I have never been that good with single draft writing, nor am I all that skilled at off the cuff conversation. Which is another reason why I find it rather odd that I am doing any sort of blogging, even if it is the equivilent of private writing (because I sincerely doubt anyone is reading these).

Add to that my somewhat listless, procrastinating nature, and I find the idea of writing down any sort of post daunting. I know it sounds like complaints, again and some more, but it isn't. Its an explaination, because I am doing this regardless.

To start is difficult, and that is a truth that rarely changes. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and those at rest tend to do nothing more than grow moss. Getting the latter to become the former takes actual impetus, but all it takes is any one of the hundreds of distractions in life to take momentum from a task at hand. Some times it may feel easy to begin, and the more a task becomes a habit the less energy required to make sure one keeps with it. But habits, like everything else, need that moment of decision and effort to keep at them.

So, while I do not believe I am producing good writing here, I am going to keep trying. I'll need to be finding topics soon enough - there is only so long I can mutter esoterically in the shadowy corners of the internet. But I will not be doing what I half expected I would. I won't be giving this blog up after a couple desolutory stabs at it.

For better or worse, this is where I start. Let's keep up the momentum.

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