Saturday, February 20, 2010

On Beginnings - Or, I am doing this for all the odd reasons

So. I've decided to create a blog.
I am doing this, granted, none of the reasons that most people create blogs. I don't really worry about my voice getting out there. I am not concerned with sharing this with friends and family. I am not looking to inform or educate, expound, expose, or coerce.
It can be argued, in fact, that if I am a lone voice crying out in the wilderness... Nifty. I like wilderness. Less people there, and for someone who started on the introvert side of the equation then took a sharp left turn into misanthrope territory, the middle of nowhere just means you don't have to worry about upsetting the neighbors.
But at this point, any of my hypothetical visitors (leastwise, the ones who haven't wandered off to greener, or at least more cheery, pastures) might be wondering why I am actually doing this. Simple. I'm rusty.
Used to be I was good with words. Still am, maybe, when talking. Those times I am not tripping over the English language (let's be kind, call it 75% of the time. Cough.) But writing? Agch and alas, I am out of practice. Thus, a blog. Hopefully with at least one or two people I rope into watching to hunt my lazy rear up when I haven't left a post or two in awhile. I hope to have a schedual for this blog. Three or four times a week. Really, I do.
We'll see how that goes.
I also know that a blog is, well, useful for proving I am an articulate, intelligent, learned gentleman (camoflague! I mean, um, important qualifications) should I apply for some sort of job position where prospective employers wonder about my ability to string words together into actual conversations. So there is that.
So. I've now written my first blog post, and its entirely about why I am going to try writing blog posts. How very meta of me. Hopefully I'll develop more of a variety, or else I am going to bore myself into some sort of comatose state long before I get anywhere with this.

Anyhow, if you actually read this whole intro, you've earned a cookie. Go on, and make sure its a good one. I'll distract the guy monitoring your diet.
I promise.
You trust me, right?


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